Lighting up children's eyes at Christmas - this is not our speciality, however it was once again an affair of the heart for us in 2019.
A good and successful year 2019, with ups and downs, lies behind us. But amidst all the daily hustle and bustle, the numerous customer appointments and everyday stress, it was time to pause and during this contemplative, colourful and glittering pre-Christmas period to think of people in need, especially children, and to bring them joy.


So we decided to make children's eyes light up. Together with the City Mission Nuremberg, we gave out a donation to children and young people of the Martin Luther House for specifically selected wishes and thus hopefully were able to give many children a nice and Merry Christmas.

We would like to thank the responsible educators of the facility who actively supported us in this matter and worked cooperatively with us.

It was a great pleasure for us!